Soulard's Online Notebook 1999

February 22, 1999
10:15 pm
Emerson College
Boston, MA

This site is finally back in action! I moved it to a new address that links w/my email account, and have added Burning Man and Rainbow Family to the Psychedelic Links...there is so much I want to do w/this site but just moving it took a lot of time...before it's first anniversary in April, much much more will be done w/it. A start has been made.

April 9, 1999
4:50 pm
Emerson College
Boston, MA

Ok, here i am trying to get this thing in order but time is up for lab hours and i just don't have the savvy yet...damnit...will keep at it because this thing is a year old and it's about time it got good...

April 12, 1999
11:48 pm
Emerson College
Boston, MA

Today I added the poem "Beauty, Afflictus" to the main menu. I tried to add more to the very skinny 'news from Boston' but the HTML editor I'm using is very frustrating. Anyway, at least this month celebrating this site's first anniversary is not passing w/o improvement to the site. And I've got 'HTML for Dummies' from Emerson College's library so maybe it will get even better before April's done...

May 17, 1999
7:25 pm
Emerson College
Boston, MA

New to the 'psychedelic links' page are Ismist and DrugPeace.Org, both very fine sites that will add to anyone's cache of esoteric knowledge.

May I bitch for a minute? I hate job-hunting. And I resent having to do it right takes up my time and energy and keeps me from enjoying the fine spring weather Boston is briefly will be gone soon while I'm spending my days trying to learn PowerPoint so some fucking temp agency will give me a job. I wish I had more time to work on this site, frankly, but I don't.

Enough bitching...go to Burningman.Com and learn about something exciting and fine. I have to go back to jobhunting...will be back here anon...promise...

It's now 8:22 p.m. and I've just made this site a little bit better even...the 'news from boston' page finally has more than one old link and I've added some great poetry by my good friend Joe Ciccone. Also on the main page is a link for the 'No Borders Bookstore' which I will be running w/my good friend Mio Cohen at Burning Man '99. OK, this site still isn't great but now at least it's not so puddle-thin...NOW back to job-hunting, but not so glum, how you say...:-)....

May 20, 1999
7:21 pm
Emerson College
Boston, MA

My days of jobhunting go on...maybe I'm getting closer to the prize, hard to tell...but good news for this site is that on the 'news from boston' page is a link to, a joyous site to see, and on the 'online library' page is the addition of a link to the work of the sufi mystic poet Rumi, an entity wonderful enough to get any son or daughter friend the poet Ric Amante out in the Seattle area will be proud of me...ok, I'm away from this computer and off into the Art-making the wise man was wont to say, 'CARRY ON OR BE CARRIED OFF!'

June 2, 1999
7:32 pm
Emerson College
Boston, MA

I'm still's surreal at this point...but loved ones encourage me and assure protection from external demons...the internal ones noone can help me with...added 'peanuts online' and 'intro to lsd' to 'psychedelic links' page...both valid...both are psychedelic vision....spike and his friend the cactus....oh yahhh...added evergreen review to 'literary links' and discovered several links there are dead and there may be some that i don't really want to promote anymore...more work on that anon...just keep at the jobhunting rag and emptying pens...'that's why godd made the movies'--paul simon

June 8, 1999
5:39 pm
Emerson College
Boston, MA

Last Friday I got paid to proofread & copyedit an essay intended for publication by a professor at the Harvard School of Public Health...most cool...$66 for what I like to do!

Anyway, it was only a one-day affair so back at it this stuffing envelopes...maybe something better in the offing soon...check out 'regarding art by jim burke iii' new to this site...getting some content here finally! oh, and added phish and grateful dead links to psychedelic links was inevitable... Later....

June 23, 1999
9:32 pm
Emerson College
Boston, MA

OK, I snagged another copyedit/proofread job for the Boston Public Health Commission, did my thing on their 'Boston Health 1999' report...really cool and informative...alas, only another day's worth of work...good thing I have loved ones who care to see me make it...

Ric Amante's poetry is now on this site and should be read by all; also mentioned, on the 'news from boston' page is Radio Free Cambridge which I've been into since this past's small but very feisty and creative...

Hope, friends, it's what kills or saves us...have to find it, beg for it, whatever, but you will not realize yourself w/o fucking true...

October 13, 1999
5:47 pm
Emerson College
Boston, MA

Has it really been almost four months since I worked on this site? It my mind I think about it several times a week but with my hands in front of keyboards no such recent truth.

I went to Burning Man '99 what a fucking trip that was mindbending back and soon to have a computer in my own home to be able to work on this and so much more including my master's thesis first draft due to professor in 8 days!!! and soon there will be a chat room, bulletin board, and guest book attached to this site free thanks to

No more for right now but at least something in the way of progress made today :)

November 7, 1999
1:55 am
Newman Rd.
Malden, MA

OK, I am typing this from the macintosh in my home, and have just added chat room, bulletin board, and guest book to site, on main page...much more to come now that i have the means of production in my home...

November 14, 1999
10:15 pm
Newman Rd.
Malden, MA

For the past four hours, I have been stipping this site of outdated links...took much longer than I thought...but ok, it's done and I have to get to the next issue of The Cenacle, Number 38, October's in better shape tho, I'm happy to say...tired...tired...but it's better now ;)

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